Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bike Check: Tha Brain

Grips: Mosh Eddie
Bars: Solid Hella Wide's
Stem: Solid
Forks: Odyssey Race
Frame: Solid AA 21'
Seat Clamp: S&M Seat Clamp
Cranks: Odyssey Wombolt
Pedals: Demolition (Kick down from Dennis Enerson)
Chain: Dont Know... a chain with a half link
Sprocket: Solid 30
Front Hub: Odyssey Vandeuro
Front Rim: Odyssey Hazard Light 36
Back Hub: Odyssey Cassette 36
Back Tire: FIT FAF 2.10
Front Tire: Odyssey Aitken 2.25

Modifications: PBR can as a seat post shim. and custom bars, Prototype REVOLT stem pad. No brakes, No pegs No life... you can smoke out of my back axel cause its hollow.. if you had a doobie or somthin...

TD: Parts you go through the most?
Brain: Pedals, Grips and tires.
TD: One tool you always take with you?
Brain: I dont always take stuff with me... I guess maybe a spoke wrench...
TD: Thanks?
Brain: Aaron at Solid, Revolt, 5050, (Gimme the lighter Jase...) Loyal To Your Soil, thanks to Beringer and Jeff for the couch, I dont wanna long list but i wanna thank all my friends who've supported me, the Folks I ride with, Yall Know who you are.

Ride Fast Take Chances... -Brain

1 comment:

  1. sombody tell cody "he's got wood"...he will know what you mean.
