Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rainy days....

A rainy day can happen from time to time. Thus resulting in no motivation to do anything. And you find yourself sitting on your couch bored out of your mind watching some bullshit TV being lazy. Your bike just sits there next to your shoes and you just keep getting antsy looking at bike magazines and staring at your bike. finally the rain stops and you have no idea for how long, so a lot of the time you might just stay sitting there wasting that precious moment! I decided to take that moment, and it was one fun one hour session. It actually motivated me to want to ride the rest of the week. Progressing is fun, and good times on bikes usually lead to good times in life, so i say.. next time you find yourself staring at this, and the rain has just stopped, grab your bike and go shred! It will be fun!