Monday, January 31, 2011

the 9' vert wall goes up and takes 2 riders out.

The weekend started off with brad and I going to the good old eldo park and a tuck no hander then it was off to the warehouse with some help from Samir and Little Andrew and some fund$$ from Jordan and my self we had the 9'vert wall and it was on and cracking unfortunately Jordan missed on a stall and got sent....hopefully he will be back on his bike soon. some hand plants and a few hundred bars latter i finally got the timing right on the barspin pix" my bad brad sorry bout that" oddly enough as soon as he lit a grit we got it so it all worked out for the best. the next morning samir brad and i were at jurpa skate park sweating are ass's off Sammy came up with a cool pix and now were all back to the OC, wit one more awsome day for REVOLT BMX. (CW)