Monday, May 26, 2008

New Spots

There are those days when you ride the same old stuff. Then there can be weeks that go buy like that. But then there are those great days that you stumble across some new spots that relight the fire and great riding comes out. This weekend was one of those weekends for us down south and from the looks of it and what I've heard its the same with our boys up north! Saturday night me, Samir and our boy Richard stumbled upon one of the best spots i have ever ridden! Not going to lie i was out looking for this spot. I got some shady bmxer directions which only got us in the general area. You can expect with a spot like this that no one is trying to blow it up and whoever it is is doing a damn good job at keepin quiet. So right about the time we were going to throw in the towel and call it quits, we spotted it! I am not going to get into details other than it is a bmx and skateboard paradise that has been completely untapped... We spent all the next day putting in mad work to make it ridable and then rode far into the sunset. Never saw another sole.. There will be photos but not as of yet, we need TDP to come help us with that end... So go grab your bike and find that secret spot of your own that will get your blood pumping again. nothing feels better. Also as TD's has been saying shirts sooon. Real soon!