Sunday, June 29, 2008

IM B.A.F. '08 Notes From The Road

We're on the muthafuckin road,
And the muthafuckin road's on us..

Jase, Cody, Tha Brain And TDP-ZO took flight from the little bread box world of the OC.
Got all our shit, selves and bikes into the Jase mobile lookin for bat signals and got ghost.
Somehow as we drove the sun went down yet the temperature kept rising.. strange. Track housing got replaced with sand and stars, which got replaced in turn by more track housing, neon lights and the land of western vices, Las Vegas..
One always finds unexpected things when you take off the concrete shoes and float to the surface.. this evening was no different. We got into Vegas at 11:30 and went straight to anthem, one of the 40 or so concrete gems that double as outdoor ovens in the fine high desert of Nevada. The park is beautiful. it sits in a prefab community of culdisacs and fake waterfalls. The lights were off and I had the uneasy feeling i had left one suburb for another...

We did the prerequisite procrastination session, figuring out whats next with four people who aren't really trippin is always a bit of a mission. After deliberating like the statesmen we are we decided to check out the belly of the beast..
Ill let someone else explain -TD

Jase: So we took off to the strip which can always be different. I've been to Vegas plenty of times. Each one of them being very different then the others. This time was no exception. This time I had three other fools with me in this crazy place of no sleep. Baisically sober, we were on the mission for them trees, and let me tell u it was weird. I've had more fun on this visit to Vegas than any other, John just walked in, lets see whats his thoughts are on this crazy adventure we had in gamble land...

"Running into Castro was when it alll started to get crazy .. I mean, have you ever had one random fool put in a good 4 hours of work to find you some dank? That's what happened to us. Along the way there were tall cans, some kids way too young to be out at 4 am in Vegas, Castro, a dude named skrilla from shy-town, some random muthafuckas and our trusty old Tdp who started beat boxin for some fools wit flow but no beat. They went for a good two or three blocks where we finally stopped. They however, did not. Shit was bangin. After all the stress and good times we twisted one up and rolled up to anthem park to ketch that sun rise sesh. I mean who really sleeps in Las Vegas?" -Tha Brain

Td passed out in the car cause the sun got to his bald-ass head while we schralped... After a long sesh tempered with trying to deal with the crazy heat we packed up an rolled on to a pool at a little crack house. Hit and run mission, The Brain did some crazy shit while everyone else hit the shade.. He even did an impossible corner air with a flat tire.. he was holding in the air with his finger while TDP set up.. Sav.

We kept the ball rollin and ended up at what I am going to call paradise. Utah is the state. Matt B's is the house. And what rad hosts these guys are. Thanks for everything. You guys rule!!! Also Big ups to Loyal To Your Soil for helping make this all happen

- Jase

More Tomorrows..


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys be sure to stop at the “slabs” at slab city in Salton city at Salton Sea if your returning to the O.C.. Check them out on the internet…you guys would fit right in with these guys

Unknown said...

Hey Cody,

It's me your neighbor that was in Santa Ana. Stephen English listening to Tiny's Jokes....Right now I'm staying in L.A. and Simi Valley. Hey my email is: or 949-456-6115. Show me where to buy some shirt and shit for my nephews. I hope you are recovering with your Rockstar Life Support.