Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally we made the move!!

Hey everybody hows it going? So i thought it was about time to fill you all in on what Revolt has been up to. So going on about two weeks ago me and Cody packed up everything we have and headed to The Bay, Oakland to be exact.. We have been moved in with our boy Kyle and his mates for a while now and things are just starting to pick up.. We have all been riding this amazing area everyday and i am really excited to get into some serious work to get a video made and some product out there for all you cool cats... Soo stay updated and don't give up on us. You know how it goes... You get busy and never see a computer for days sometimes. But its all good. We ain't trippin. So grab your bike, go scrape your town, and have a happy mothers day to all those moms out there!!! Here are just a few pics i have swooped up since we have been out. Really it is just a crazy dog named Ellie and some pics of our spot and the amazing downtown that surrounds us..


slackerbri said...

Jase or Cody I need you to call me ASAP. I know your away and this has nothing to do with the past, but it is IMPERATIVE that I talk to at least one of you ASAP, you know my number its the same or email me at

it is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT that I talk with at least one of you two ASAP. BH-