Monday, August 17, 2009

kyle on the kill / win some ya lose some!

So i went out the other day do get some stuff done with kyle. Due to me having a staff infection in my shin i am out for two months so i figure its a good time to put in some work behind the lens.. Kyle had something big in mind for the day but we started the day off at Berkley skate park so he could warm up will if u call shutting the spot down warming up haha. After a heated sesh at the park kyle decided it was time to go handle this rail and needless to say he got worked u win some and lose some but don't think he didn't give it his best this kid took some of the hardest slams i have seen in a long time over and over till finally his body couldn't take any more. He ended up bruising both his femurs in the process according to the docs and will be out for 1 week at lest. but keep your eyes out for this kid hes been kill en it lately yeah kyle get better soon.